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We're here to help

Having an issue? Try using our Interactive HelpDesk and FAQ's to find an answer to your question. Otherwise, there are a number of ways you can get in touch with our experienced Sales and Customer Service teams.

  • Live Chat

    We’re on live chat to help you quickly. Click on the Webtronic Live Chat in the bottom right hand corner of the webpage.

  • By Email

    If you'd like to get in touch with us by E-mail, please email or select one of the following enquiry types and click the link:

    For General and After-Sales Enquiries, please click here. »

  • By Phone

    Need help with your new product? You can call our aftersales team Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm on the phone number below. Please note that we do not accept orders by phone, all orders must be placed on the website.

    +357 25 060212

  • By Post

    You can contact us by the traditional method of post if you prefer to send a letter to sending an email. The address for this is:

    21 Hadjimatheou Yiannouri Court

  • Returns

    If you need to return a faulty or unwanted product, please contact our Returns Department in the first instance by email and we will issue you with a returns request form.

    Contact the Returns Team »